About newsgroups

A newsgroup is a collection of messages posted by individuals to a news server, a computer that can host thousands of newsgroups. You can find newsgroups on practically any subject and anyone can post messages to a newsgroup; they do not require any kind of membership or joining fees.

Although some newsgroups are moderated, most are not. Moderated newsgroups are "owned" by someone who reviews the postings, can answer questions, delete inappropriate messages, and so forth. Unmoderated newsgroups allow people to post just about anything; no one reads or monitors the content of the postings.

If you want to use newsgroups in Microsoft Outlook Express, your Internet service provider must offer links to one or more news servers. After you set up an account for each news server you want, you can read and post messages to any of the newsgroups stored on that news server.

When you find a newsgroup you like, you can "subscribe" to it. Subscribing provides easy access to your favorite newsgroups. Because they are displayed in your Outlook Express Folder list, you don't need to scroll through a long list on the server each time you want to visit a specific newsgroup. When you subscribe to a newsgroup, you can also manage messages posted to the newsgroup by creating schedules and applying rules.

Setting up a news account

Viewing a list of newsgroups

Subscribing to a newsgroup

About news messages

About accounts


View a list of newsgroups

  1. In the Folder list, click the news server.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. If a message asks you to confirm that you want to download the list of newsgroups, click Yes.

Setting up a news account

Checking for new newsgroups

Searching for a newsgroup

Subscribing to a newsgroup


Search for a newsgroup

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. If a message asks you to confirm that you want to download the list of newsgroups, click Yes.
  3. In the Display newsgroups containing box, type part or all of the newsgroup name.

Setting up a news account

Subscribing to a newsgroup

Checking for new newsgroups


Subscribe to a newsgroup

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. If a message asks you to confirm that you want to download the list of newsgroups, click Yes.
  3. In the list of newsgroups, click the newsgroup you want, and then click Subscribe.

Setting up a news account

Checking for new newsgroups

Searching for a newsgroup

Viewing subscribed newsgroups only


View subscribed newsgroups only

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. On the View menu, click Subscribed Only.

Tip To view all newsgroups in the list, click Subscribed Only again.

Checking for new newsgroups

Subscribing to a newsgroup

Unsubscribing from a newsgroup


Unsubscribe from a newsgroup

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. On the View menu, click Subscribed Only.
  3. In the list of subscribed newsgroups, click the newsgroup, and then click Unsubscribe.

Checking for new newsgroups

Subscribing to a newsgroup


Check for new newsgroups

  1. In the Folder list, click the news server you want to check.

    If the Folder list is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.

  2. Click Update List.

Searching for a newsgroup

Subscribing to a newsgroup
